Press Release

EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE A BIG CHANGE in my Care Space career path…

I am now able to collaborate on a BIGGER and BROADER level with MORE companies, organizations, and individuals, as well as reach more caregivers through the work I’ve been doing and expanding on since 2017 as the CEO / Founder of KEYS FOR CAREGIVING.

We will be able to help more businesses reach Family Caregivers through our consulting work, bring more awareness through speaking and advocacy work, and will be able to build a bigger and stronger community than ever before. As well as finding the right people for your project, advocacy movement, speaking engagement, press, media, or film project.

I am excited to step into this next phase of my career and to have the opportunity to collaborate with even more of you in the Healthcare, Care Space, Advocacy Industry, and beyond. My passion for this work is a love letter to my mother, who passed on Dec 28th, 2022. Through this work, my mother’s legacy lives on, and I can keep my promise to her that I will take what I learned from our care journey to help as many caregivers and the loved ones they care for as possible.

Keys for Caregiving offers:

Keys for Caregiving is a comprehensive resource for all things related to caregiving. We offer consulting, community-building, speaking, and advocacy services for press, media, film, podcasts, and events. If you are looking for a caregiver event consultant or organizer, we can provide guidance or plan and execute your event. We offer education and training for caregivers and businesses. We offer caregiver support, coaching, and concierge services. Fractional leadership services are also available. Click on these services to learn more or contact us for a consultation.

My care journey

I started my care journey on March 16, 2013, when my mother had a life-changing stroke and my career in the Care Space in 2017.

After being told by doctors that I had only six months to live because of the stress of caregiving and not being able to find local resources, I had to leave my career in the tech industry. I entered the senior and retirement industry as a Sales and Marketing Manager. To my surprise, there were HUNDREDS of resources right in my hometown. Knowing the support and resources in my local area changed my care journey entirely for me. It was then that I committed to do everything and anything I could to make sure Family Caregivers didn’t have to go through the struggles we did on our care journey.

Service and advocacy

I started bringing in experts and hosting 4-6 caregiver education classes a month, started a Family Caregiver annual resource fair, founded and ran an award-winning hyper-local caregiver-focused nonprofit, started speaking and advocating locally and nationally, created a holiday event that celebrated and gifted over 1500 caregivers each year. The more I did, the more I wanted to do. The best part was that my mother wanted to help, too. She loved being a part of the press and media appearances. It was essential to her that we could help others with the knowledge we learned. We were TEAM MOM in the thought that if you go through something hard and learn from it, you have a responsibility to be of service and help others

Speaking and community building

In 2021, my speaking, advocacy, and community building expanded. I came across I was asked to join the team as the Director of Community Growth and replicate the hyper-local model I had created in my hometown across the United States. There, I was able to develop and lead a team of well over 100 champions and build out multiple caregiver support communities in cities across the United States. I also created and participated in multiple successful caregiver events and created and hosted a successful Podcast.

In 2024, as‘s digital platform grew, so did the demand for my individual outside speaking, advocacy, community building, caregiver engagement, and Care Space consulting services. It was a tough decision for both parties, but we decided to part ways at the end of April. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Mike and the caregiving team and to be able to create and lead the Champions Program. The Champions as individual Carefluencers are making an impact not only with caregiving but also with many other organizations, their own Care Space businesses, and on social media channels. Each one of them is a powerful advocate and change agent.

I look forward to collaborating with so many more of you on a BIGGER level to create the change Family Caregivers hope for.

Connecting businesses, organizations, and Family Caregivers to collectively transform the Care Space community and amplify our voices for change.

You can find more information on these services or submit a request at: or text our Community Line at 360-230-7736